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I just installed YDL for my PS3 and I'm a complete noob to the linux world as a whole. I wanted to know how to properly go about getting my wireless router's signal picked up by the PS3 internal wireless network card. Everythign works flawlessly in teh regular PS3 XMB. Thanks in advance for all your help.

Not having any knowledge of PS3 nor YellowDog .. I did a bit of hunting and found this


Quote:There is a small problem with yum (software update module) in the latest ISO, which requires you to get your hands dirty in code to fix it. But if you are going to tinker in Linux, this should come as no surprise. The biggest let down is the nonexistent support for the PS3's built in Wi-Fi. In order to get online while booted into Yellow Dog Linux, you must use an Ethernet connection. 

"Waiting for a Sony response." is the official word on Wi-Fi support in Yellow Dog 5, according to Kai Staats, Terra Soft CEO. Even more discouraging is reading about a three to six month estimate on the forum.


The only solution right now for Wi-Fi is to use a wireless game adapter, such as the one by Linksys. This works just fine, unless you have an Apple Airport Express - which has no way of configuring the wireless game adapter.


That is not a pretty solution, not for a $600 game console/computer/Blu-ray player/whatever. Hopefully Sony and Terra Soft can get a Wi-Fi fix out shortly, as it is the only thing really holding Yellow Dog Linux 5 on the PS3 back.


Setup and install went as smooth as I have ever seen a Linux install go. I have Yellow Dog Linux 4 on my PowerBook, and even that was a chore in comparison to v. 5 on the PS3.

from here: [/url][url=]


So it sounds like there is NO support right now :(