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After trying fedora for 2 years I decided to give gentoo a go :)

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-204-1131153963.png" data-fileid="409">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-204-1131153963.png[/img]</a>

beautiful screenshot !


and to quote IRC


Quote:enigma [/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=1880][/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=1880] so theres my gentoo desk hehe

Ritter enigma: where did you get that background?

enigma Ritter sec

enigma [/url]

enigma there Ritter if you have an amd 64 theres a cool one hehe

enigma [url=]

enigma hehe

Ritter hm, I dont like that as much

enigma yeah this glass one is cool

anyweb looks nice enigma

enigma haha thanks :)

anyweb so you gonna write a review of your experiences with gentoo ?

anyweb PLEASE

anyweb :)

Ritter yeah, I like it the best

enigma i'll have to learn abit more about it in order to be able to explain it

Ritter actaully, your experiences thus far would be the perfect starter

Ritter then add to it as you wish

the bit above that I want Enigma to remember is


Quote:anyweb so you gonna write a review of your experiences with gentoo ?anyweb PLEASE
even Ritter agrees with me !!! 

Quote:Ritter actaully, your experiences thus far would be the perfect starter




bump !


review still wanted :)

Enigma! How in hell did you get those little icons in the Fluxbox bar to the far right!!! That looks so cool, is it like a taskbar or something???? I want that! :) You must tell me.