If you have a high performance PC try the following:
in the console o CS 1.6 tipe:
fps_max 900
fps_mode 0
net_graph 3
developer 1
and post your fps ??
I got 70-200 FPS on a Gf FX5200
and 90-400 FPS on a Gf3 Ti200
Quote:If you have a high performance PC try the following:
o_O high performance... does a 333Mhz 128Mb BEAST count ;)
Quote:o_O high performance... does a 333Mhz 128Mb BEAST count ;)
Hahaha... :)
i got 999 fps with a geforce 7800 GT in SLI configuration
is that good ?
weak u guys weak ;) i can only get 100fps :S why is it like that... and why shuld u have more fps then 60...
the eye can only see 60 fps :S yea it kicks ass anyway :)