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He's a quick tip to force a process to always keep respawning. Basically if the process dies, another will start in its place.


Save this as,

while [ 1 ]; do
   /bin/ls -l /home/znx


Now execute it like this:

$ ./


Now the screen will fill with lots and lots of ls information. Ctrl+C will kill it for you. This is an example of a neverending loop. Now where would you want this? Well the reason that I'm writing this is that I recently helped Blue|Moon setup this to ensure that a Counter Strike Source server would keep running:

while [ 1 ]; do
   cd /path/to/install
   ./srcds_run -game cstrike ..... the rest of your options ......


Started with:

$ cd /path/to/install
$ screen -m -d -S sourceserver ./


Now when the server quits or is killed, another takes its place, saving you the user from having to login remotely and start it all the time :)

This script works a treat, theres nothing like this available. znx has spent hours with me tonight creating this and sorting out my system. Great guy, if everyone followed his views in the world :)It would be a hell of a better place


Thanks again

Quote:This script works a treat, theres nothing like this available. znx has spent hours with me tonight creating this and sorting out my system. Great guy, if everyone followed his views in the world :)It would be a hell of a better place 

Thanks again

hehe yea znx is a cool person always willing to help out :)he knows his stuff too.