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Full Version: Bash the script - Then start crying cos it wont wo
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I am a noob. I can do basic linux stuff but i am trying to write a script to make this easier. I have never written a script before and i am actually suprised that i have got this fat without rm'ing my entire system.


I have several directories that cameras upload images to all day. Basically i want this script to run as a cron job and run at midnight every night and delete all but the last 3 days worth of files.


I found the easeiest way to find the files was using the `find` command, so i part wrote and part found this command. If i type this in to the console it works :). It will delete all but the last 3 days worth of files.


find /path/to/directory/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;


i cant celebrate too soon though. i need this command to run on 5 different directories in:







So i repeat the command 5 times and put it in to a .sh file and try and run it. :s it says

find: missing argument to `-exec' 4 times and the last line says:

rm: cannot remove `/path/to/directory4/': Is a directory


the script as it stands is:


find /path/to/directory/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory1/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory2/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory3/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory4/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;


Please any help/advice is welcome

Thanks in advance



pop into #linux-noob on EFNET (IRC) and ask someone there to look at this script issue,


i'm sure they'll be able to help you





What is the "" supposed to do in there? Do you really have a script called like that in your $PATH? Does the first line of your script define the interpreter, i.e. "#!/bin/sh"?

find /path/to/directory/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory1/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory2/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory3/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;
find /path/to/directory4/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;



Ok... the script can shorten to:

find /path/to/directory{,1,2,3,4}/ -mtime +3 -daystart -exec rm {} \;


Don't forget about shell expansion ;)