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if the site is down blame me....


sorry :(





<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-12-1081248032.png" data-fileid="92">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-12-1081248032.png[/img]</a>

Yike! seen that problem on my dad's windows XP home on his laptop. windows just getting GREEDY.
i am proud to say i have never installed XP. I ditched windows around the time when XP came out

it is not xp it's windows 2003 server


the technet 180 day trial version, worked for a year strangely enough with only one reboot and that was because of a power strike in Sweden (all power went down).


see for yourself on Netcraft


I am happy to use both windows and linux, i would hate to limit myself to one or the other



