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If you are very new on Linux, i have commands list here Commands List



nice one,


ive pasted them here


passwd Changes password

nslookup Queries Internet domain name servers

quota Displays disk usage and limits

motd Message of the Day

finger username User information lookup program

man or xman command Displays pages of online manual

xman Displays System Manual in X

less filename or more filename Displays the contents of a file in the terminal one page at a time

info Displays information and documentation on shells, utilities and programs

clear Clears the terminal window

ls directory List contents of a directory

cat filename Displays the contents of a file in the terminal

rm filename Removes a file

pico filename or emacs filename Opens and edits text files

cp sourcefile detstinationfilename Copies a file

lpr filename Sends file to printer

grep string filename looks through files for strings

head filename Displays first 10 lines of file

tail filename Displays last 10 lines of file

mv existingfilename newfilename Moves or renames file

lpq filename Displays files in printing queue

lprm filename Removes file from printing queue

sort filename Displays and sorts file contents

diff filename1 filename2 Displays differences between files

file filename Displays information about file contents

echo string Copies string to terminal

date Displays current date and time

cal Displays calendar

gzip filename Compresses a file

compress filename Compresses a file

gunzip filename Decompresses a compressed file

zcat filename Displays contents of a compressed file

apropos command Lists all man page titles/headers that contain the command

lynx Text based web browser

dmesg Displays kernel ring buffer

which command Displays path to command

whereis command Displays paths to locations of commands

who Lists currently logged on users

finger username@hostname Obtains detailed information about a user currently using the system

w Lists currently logged on users with processing usage

mesg y/n Sets options for letting other users write you messages

write user Sends message to other users

talk user Allows two way chat to other users

chmod permissions filename Changes file access permissions

mkdir directoryname Makes a directory

rmdir directoryname Removes an empty directory

ln existingfile new-link Creates link to an existing file (hard link)

stat filename Lists information about a file

ln -s existingfile new-link Creates link to an existing file (soft link)

df Displays all mounted filesystems

ps Reports process status

command & Sends a job to the background (job: one or more commands connected by a pipe "|" or pipes) The operating system assigns a number to the job when you press return. example: [1] 3578

top Displays updating list of currently running processes

tty Displays the name of the terminal in which the command was issued

command > filename Redirects standard output

command < filename Redirects standard input

cat file1 >> file2 Appends standard output from file1 to file2

cat /dev/null > filename or filename > /dev/null Redirects "bit bucket" or null string to file (only superuser has write access to this file)

command1 | command2 Pipe sends standard output of one command to the standard input of another command

tr string1 string2 < inputfile Translates each character in string1 to the corresponding character in string2

command | tee filename | grep string Sends the output of one command to standard output and a file

bg %job number Sends job to the background by job number

fg %job number Brings job to the foreground by job number

kill PID or %job number Aborts a process by PID (Process Identification Number) or job number

jobs Displays a list of current jobs

netcfg Utility to set up PPP and network configurations

xev Utility used to see information flow from X server to client

echo $DISPLAY Environment variable that displays the ID string for a window

echo $PATH Variable that displays executable path

netstat Displays network connections

viewres Graphical class browser for X

xbill Game featuring Bill Gates trying to put windows on Macs and NeXT workstations

xevil Game similar to Loderunner?

xchomp Linux's version of PacMan

xcmap Strange color lookup utility

xedit Text editor for X

asclock Clock from AfterStep

xconsole Strange console for X

xmessage message Sends message to a dialog box

xgal XGalaga game

xg3 Image viewing program

xgc Graphing calculator?

xjewel Jewel game for Linux

xkbvleds LEDs?

xkbwatch LEDs?

xlogo Displays X logo

xmixer Opens system sound controls

xsnow Snowflakes are fallin' on your desktop

xwininfo Displays info about a window

startx Starts an X Window System server

ghostview Starts a text preview application

xv filename Image viewer

xsetroot -color Set background color in X

xcalc Starts a calculator in X

xclipboard Starts a clipboard in X

traceroute host Prints the route packets take to the host

hostname Displays system identity name

rlogin host Utility to connect to a remote system

telnet host Utility to connect to a remote system (similar to rlogin but more interactive)

rcp file remotemachine Used to copy from a remote computer

ftp Utility to transfer files between systems on a network

rsh command Utility to run a command on a remote system without logging in

ping host Utility used to test connection to a remote system

lcd directorypath Changes local machine directory while logged on to remote machine


Shared Directories




/ Root - The root directory is present in all Linux system file structures. It's the parent of all files in the system.

/bin Essential common binaries - Holds files needed to boot the system and run it when it comes up in single user mode.

/boot Static files of the boot loader.

/dev Device files - All files that represent peripheral devices.

/etc Machine-local system configuration - Holds administrative, config, and other system files. Holds /etc/passwd file that contains a list of all users who have permission to the system.

/home User home directories - Contains each user's or client's home directory

/lib Shared libraries

/mnt Mount point for temporary partitions

/proc Kernel and process information (virtual filesystem)

/root Home directory for root

/sbin Essential system binaries - Contains utilities for system administration.

/tmp Temporary files

/usr Second major hierarchy - Includes subdirectories that contain information used by the system.

/var Variable data - Contains files whose contents change as system runs.


vi Commands






vi filename Starts vi and creates a new file

:q! Quits vi without saving work

p Pastes data in buffer below current line

P Pastes data in buffer above current line

yy Copies current line

:r !command Reads in output of the command

i Puts vi in insert mode

:set autoindent Sets vi to indent automatically

:set showmatch Sets vi to show matching parenthesis

:set nu Sets vi to display line numbers

:set showmode Sets vi to display the mode you're in

ESCAPE Sets vi to command mode

CONTROL-U Erases current line (insert mode)

CONTROL-H Erases on letter (insert mode)

CONTROL-W Erases current word (insert mode)

h, j, k, l Moves cursor left, up, down, right respectively

u Undoes last action

x Deletes a single character

dw Deletes a single word

dd Deletes a single line

ZZ Writes work buffer to disk and exits vi

o inserts line after cursor position

CONTROL-L Redraws screen

:w filename Save work as filename and exits


Control Characters






CONTROL-H or BACKSPACE Erases a character on the command line

CONTROL-U Deletes an entire command line

CONTROL-W Erases a word on the command line

CONTROL-C Aborts program execution

COMMAND-Tab Switches Programs

CONTROL-L or CONTROL-R Refreshes the screen

Control-D, logout or exit Logs you off the system

many thanks from a now slightly less noob ;)