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How to shape ADSL traffic with linux. .:H A T E B R E D:.


So you have gotten a dsl connection setup with your linux box, now what?


The basics:


Your ADSL connection is broken down like this: ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line) Digital communication over telephone lines, as the term PPPOE (point to point protocol (dial-up) over ethernet)). Asymetric means that one side is greater than the other, ie your modem will download faster than it will upload.

On adverage a dsl upload is 128KB/s and a large packet is considered to be 1500 bytes. In essence this means you can upload 128Kbit/sec / 8*1500byte = 10 packets/sec. That sucks already huh? DSL modem buffers packets in a fifo that can hold 4K or 8K of data, or between a quarter to half a second of data.The reason for this is to handle short bursts without dropping packets. When packets get dropped it requires resending the packet, this in turn will create more network traffic than needed as well as prolonging the end of the session. The problem is that the dsl modems do no reordering within this large buffer. Packets are sent up the telephone line in the order they are received from the ethernet. A large upload keeps the buffer filled with its packets, and any new packet (the TCP ACK needed to continue a download, or the TCP data containing the ssh or telnet keystroke) must first fight for a space in the upload buffer, and once there wait a quarter second or more to be transmitted. Effectively every packet sent up the DSL line gets a non-negligable chance of being dropped, and if it isn't, a quarter second or more delay.


The way to fix this is to shape the upload traffic before it hits the modem. How do i do that? With linux & IP forwarding of course!


How to implement this:


Step 1: Install 2 NICs on the linux box


Step 2: Place this box between you lan and modem.


Step 3: Have it send gratuitous ARP packets claiming it is the gateway.


This tricks the rest of the machines in the lan into sending it their packets destined for the outside world as long as they keep receiving the GARPs. If the linux box is down,the GARPs don't come, the ARP entries time out, the hosts send ARP requests and receive a reply from the router. This way if the linux box is down the internet connection switches over automatically. Providing you have a router connected to the modem.

With this GARP trick, packets being sent from anywhere in the lan to an outside destination take an extra hop through the linux traffic shaper, while packets between hosts in thelan and packets from outside into the lan go directly to their destinations.


Setp 4: Install a 2.4.18 or better kernel, and the dsniff and iproute packages (or the equivalent on other linux distributions). The dsniff package supplies /usr/sbin/arpspoof, and iproute /sbin/tc.


Step 5: create a 3-band priority shaper, and then completely override the default priority filtering by adding filters. The 1st band receives in-lan traffic. The 2nd band receives small and interactive (ssh) packets destined for outside the lan, and the 3rd band the rest.


Step 6: Add a rate limiter to the 3rd band to limit it to less than 128kbit/sec.


The rate limiter is enough to prevent the upload buffer in the DSL modem from containing more than one large packet (the one currently being sent). This allows small packets fromthe 2nd band to get ahead of the large ones, and fixes the slowdown of downloads and interactive sessions caused by a large upload.


Step 7: Add this to your start-up





case "$1" in


# configure eth0 so that there is a bandwidth cap on large packets going up the DSL line

# and then garp advertising the true gateway's IP, so that other hosts use us rather than it


# enable ip forwarding

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


# disable sending of icmp redirects (after all, we are deliberatly causing the hosts to use us instead of the true gateway)

echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/send_redirects

echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/send_redirects


# clear whatever is attached to eth0

# this can fail if there is nothing attached, btw, but that is fine

/sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2>/dev/null


# add default 3-band priority qdisc to eth0

/sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio


# add a <128kbit rate limit (matches DSL upstream bandwidth) with a very deep buffer to the bulk band (#3)

# 99 kbit/s == 8 1500 byte packets/sec, so a latency of 5 sec means we will buffer up to 40 of these big

# ones before dropping. a buffer of 1600 tokens means that at any time we are ready to burst one of

# these big ones (at the peakrate, 128kbit/s). the mtu of 1518 instead of 1514 is in case I ever start

# using vlan tagging, because if mtu is too low (like 1500) then all traffic blocks

/sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:3 handle 13: tbf rate 99kbit buffer 1600 peakrate 120kbit mtu 1518 mpu 64 latency 5000ms


# add fifos to the other two bands so we can have some stats

#/sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 11: pfifo

#/sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:2 handle 12: pfifo


# add a filter so DIP's within the lan go to prio band #1 instead of being assigned by TOS

# thus traffic going to an inlan location has top priority

/sbin/tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip dst flowid 1:1


# multicasts also go into band #1, since they are all inlan (and we don't want to delay ntp packets and mess up time)

/sbin/tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip dst flowid 1:1


# ssh packets to the outside go to band #2 (this is harsh, but I can't tell scp from ssh so I can't filter them better)

# (actually I could tell ssh from scp; scp sets the IP diffserv flags to indicate bulk traffic)

/sbin/tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 2 protocol ip u32 match ip sport 22 0xffff flowid 1:2


# small IP packets go to band #2

# by small I mean <128 bytes in the IP datagram, or in other words, the upper 9 bits of the iph.tot_len are 0

# note: this completely fails to do the right thing with fragmented packets. However

# we happen to not have many (any? icmp maybe, but tcp?) fragmented packets going out the DSL line

/sbin/tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 2 protocol ip u32 match u16 0x0000 0xff80 at 2 flowid 1:2


# a final catch-all filter that redirects all remaining ip packets to band #3

# presumably all that is left are large packets headed out the DSL line, which are

# precisly those we wish to rate limit in order to keep them from filling the

# DSL modem's uplink egress queue and keeping the shorter 'interactive' packets from

# getting through

# the dummy match is required to make the command parse

/sbin/tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 3 protocol ip u32 match u8 0 0 at 0 flowid 1:3


# have the rest of the lan think we are the gateway

# the reason I use arpspoofing is that I want automatic failover to the real gateway

# should this machine go offline, and since the real gateway does not do vrrp, I hack

# the network and steal its arp address instead

# It takes 5-10 seconds for the failback to happen, but it works :-)

/usr/sbin/arpspoof -i eth0 >/dev/null 2>&1 &

echo $! >/var/run/



/sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2>/dev/null

if [ -r /var/run/ ]; then

kill `cat /var/run/`

rm /var/run/




$0 stop

$0 start



echo "Usage: $0 [start|stop|restart]"

exit 1



exit 0

You sexy beast, now do it for htb rather then cbq and i'll love you