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Need to rename some directories with spaces in the names? Here is a little perl script to do just that. You will need to edit the $startpath.


// Begin Script


use File::Find;



do {


find sub {

my $foo=$File::Find::name;

if (-d $foo && $foo=~/ /) {

($foo2=$foo)=~s/ /_/g;

rename($foo, $foo2);




} until ($flag==0);



// End Script

sounds like something i could use since i recently converted from windows. what do i do, just paste it into a text file? and then read the text file?
save it as a text file like for example, chmod +x, ./

i swear i posted something in here.. about saving, chmod, and execution for this perl scirpt... hrmmm



Heres a bash solution albeit uglier:


mv "$1" `echo "$1" | sed 's/ //g'`


Put that in a file (say and use like this:


Code: "file or dir with spaces in it"


(Note use Tab to autocomplete the filename and it'll add the " at the end)