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hi everyone,


i'm anyweb (the person who setup, runs, and maintains,


real name, Niall C. Brady,


i'm an irish man, 38 years old (grey hairs too) and with three sons (Christopher - 6 and Sebastian 20 months, Benjamin 6 months), and a girlfriend Annelie.


I live in Sweden, in a small place on the south west coast called Jonstorp, its nice there


I love working with and messing with computers, and my job involves that, infact, i work from home !


There is some more info about me here including some short videos to download


I run this website and forums from a computer at home, it's a personal project and one that I am very interested in, I use both linux (mostly redhat, but fedora too) and windows (mostly xp), and i love to play with new gadgets and try out new software as soon as i can,


I also like to write reviews of Linux on , infact I wrote the worlds first review of Red Hat 9 (published) and the first review of Fedora Core Release 1.


I hope to continue writing reviews in the future,


I was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1966 and lived in Zambia, Africa for about 7 years from the ages of 3 to 10 or so. I've travelled to alot of different places in the world and am very happy living in Sweden now.


I've always been interested in computers, right from when i first got a ZX81 from my dad, i then progressed to an Amstrad CPC 6128 and taught myself how to program in assembly language in Z80 using a MAXAM rom and disassember. I started to first 'hack' games, and then went on to change the games by adding entire new levels and even new maps, it was fun fun fun. And very addictive. I was publised 14 times on popular English magazines at that time and all the results of that are here


I hope you all enjoy using these forums, and that we develop into a strong community.







nice to meet you AnyWeb, great story there mate :)hope your life will be great and the best in the future mate. take care

Awesome. Great information, glad you started Linux-Noob. It's already a thriving community.


I'm glad to ya Anyweb. I personally think it's interesting to meet people. Especially linux/windows admins. o_O

cheers webster! glad you started the forums.


oh yeah, get me a job in sweden!! :)

A job anywhere would be nice... :)

thanks for giving me something else to do while on the web. hot or not, flashyourrack dot com rots the brain over a long period of time o_O . is great, thanks!



Hello Everyone!


I am new to the forums and thought I would take a minute to introduce myself and tell you a little about my background. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif[/img]


I am 41 years old, and work as a network admin for a small manufacturing company in Vermont. I live in New Hampshire, USA with my wife and two sons. I have been working in, on, or around computers most of my adult life, since about 1982, starting out on an Osborne 1 with CP/M. Currently I run a network with 5 Windows 2000 Servers, and 55 workstations, with 2 remote locations. I also keep track of two additional networks, one Windows NT 3.51 the other LANtastic DOS based peer to peer. o_O


While I am new to Linux, my interest in it is not new. I have been trying to get the time for several years to sit down and learn it inside and out. So here I am....


My other interests include Vintage Computers, mostly Compact Macs, Kayaking, Hiking, Camping, Photography, network security and computer forensics.


When I am on the web, I spend a lot of time in the forums on and, two excellent sites.


So there ya have it, the short version of me. :)


Anyweb, thanks for the beautiful site for us to enjoy!


Hi all and anyweb, finding my way around now and thanks again mate, my second post!

Welcome to linux-noob - we hope you enjoy your stay!


Remember that in this forum, NO question is a stupid question. Feel free to ask away, or search the forums for useful information.


The only stupid question is one that is not asked!


(Oh, and the one about fish, of course).


I'm Mr. Milind S. Khairnar, 37, working as professor in an Engineering College, Mumbai, India. I want to study Linux and Solaris in detail.


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