2003-12-25, 05:22 PM
hi everyone,
i'm anyweb (the person who setup, runs, and maintains www.linux-noob.com),
real name, Niall C. Brady,
i'm an irish man, 38 years old (grey hairs too) and with three sons (Christopher - 6 and Sebastian 20 months, Benjamin 6 months), and a girlfriend Annelie.
I live in Sweden, in a small place on the south west coast called Jonstorp, its nice there
I love working with and messing with computers, and my job involves that, infact, i work from home !
There is some more info about me here including some short videos to download
I run this website and forums from a computer at home, it's a personal project and one that I am very interested in, I use both linux (mostly redhat, but fedora too) and windows (mostly xp), and i love to play with new gadgets and try out new software as soon as i can,
I also like to write reviews of Linux on OSNEWS.com , infact I wrote the worlds first review of Red Hat 9 (published) and the first review of Fedora Core Release 1.
I hope to continue writing reviews in the future,
I was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1966 and lived in Zambia, Africa for about 7 years from the ages of 3 to 10 or so. I've travelled to alot of different places in the world and am very happy living in Sweden now.
I've always been interested in computers, right from when i first got a ZX81 from my dad, i then progressed to an Amstrad CPC 6128 and taught myself how to program in assembly language in Z80 using a MAXAM rom and disassember. I started to first 'hack' games, and then went on to change the games by adding entire new levels and even new maps, it was fun fun fun. And very addictive. I was publised 14 times on popular English magazines at that time and all the results of that are here
I hope you all enjoy using these forums, and that we develop into a strong community.