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I want to convert a whole bunch of TGA screenshots to JPG format in GIMP


is there a way i can do it automagically or do i have to do each one by hand ?





you can use imagemagik for this


this will convert all images from .tga into .jpg. I'm not sure if imagemagik supports tga but its worth a try. I'd backup your images just incase


for file in `find . | grep tga`
    convert $file ${file%.???}.jpg

where do i get that software \?

$ sudo apt-cache search ImageMagick


ImageMagick - An X application for displaying and manipulating images.

ImageMagick-c++ - ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)

ImageMagick-c++-devel - C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library

ImageMagick-devel - Static libraries and header files for ImageMagick app development.

ImageMagick-perl - ImageMagick perl bindings


tsk tsk tsk... :P