Linux-Noob Forums Site Design - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Site Design (/thread-1081.html) Site Design - [M]ax - 2007-11-30

Hey guys,


I have been looking at the linux-noob site for a little while now and its starting to look at little dated... the last major change for the site design was back in 2003.


That if anyone doesnt know is when linux-noob came into this world.


If anyone thinks that the site could do with a facelift place a vote in the above poll.



[M]ax Site Design - znx - 2007-12-04

It would be nice to have some sort of new sexy skin, no doubt. I believe there is quite a few IPB skins out there as well, so maybe we can look at some examples and have a vote on those? Site Design - anyweb - 2007-12-06

so who is good at making skins ? are you volunteering [m]ax ? Site Design - [M]ax - 2007-12-08

I am sure i can come up with a new fresh design for the site keeping the existing content :P but then again if there is anyone else who wants to submit a design example, all are welcome.



[M]ax Site Design - anyweb - 2007-12-08

all you have to do is redesign the skin surely ? and the skins are easily changeable in IPB


or were you thinking about something else?


cheers Site Design - Cogar - 2007-12-16

FWIW, I am brand new here and my initial impression is that it looks great. Perhaps it looks like the "same old stuff" to those of you who have been here for awhile, but it probably looks fine to the rest of us. :)


PS: I didn't vote. Site Design - youknowwhat4q - 2008-08-19

If I can get any spare time in the coming weeks I could probably mock up a few things... Site Design - Dungeon-Dave - 2008-12-22

I'm fairly familiar with IPB skins too - I've done a few for another site, but essentially applied their main site theme (icons, colour scheme etc) to some IPB skin for consistency.


If someone's got some ideas of theme (LINKS TO IMAGES HERE, PLEASE - not references to something that I'll need to google for) I can also do a few mockups. Site Design - anyweb - 2009-01-02

i'm kinda waiting for IPB 3 which is out really soon


that will change the look of this place even with the default layout


see here for the preview Site Design - anyweb - 2009-06-01

sa you can now see, the site has finally changed to the new look


what do you guys think ?