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Install True Type Fonts: Using a Font Server - Printable Version

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Install True Type Fonts: Using a Font Server - jsn06 - 2005-09-16

You can add your own fonts and sharing them by putting them into /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype. You need to run a couple of commands to make them available to X:


# cd /usr/local/share/fonts

# mkdir truetype

# chmod go+rx truetype

# cd truetype

# wget [/url][url=]

# unzip

# rm

# mkfontscale (or ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale ?????)

# mkfontdir



You need to add the path to the catalogue entry in /etc/X11/fs/config:






A couple of other paths that should also be included there for the defoma package managed fonts to be available are:







to bee continued B)



Install True Type Fonts: Using a Font Server - znx - 2005-09-16

neat.. thanks johnny.. keep this up and ill dust off the shiny 'medal' i have :P