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My ex stalks me trough help - Printable Version

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My ex stalks me trough help - godskalk - 2005-06-21

My ex is stalking me trough this forum..


What can i do? Help help

My ex stalks me trough help - godskalk - 2005-06-21

hmmmmm i could post pictures of her. hehehe

My ex stalks me trough help - Ritter - 2005-06-21

we are okay with that.

My ex stalks me trough help - FluKex - 2005-06-22

They better be "hot" pictures


otherwise i'm deleting this thread :P


stalk her back? that might freak her out into stopping stalking you

My ex stalks me trough help - znx - 2005-06-22

ok lets walk through this:


Quote:My ex is stalking me trough this forum.. 

What can i do? Help help



Quote:hmmmmm i could post pictures of her. hehehe

-sympathy +girlphoto


Quote:we are okay with that.

+girlphoto +perv


Quote:They better be "hot" picturesotherwise i'm deleting this thread :P

stalk her back?  that might freak her out into stopping stalking you

++prev + girlphtoto +threat


So in conclusion:

2 perv's 0 girl photos = 1 threat


Suprising really.. I expect better

My ex stalks me trough help - Ritter - 2005-06-23

HOWTO: make a deadznx

dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/znx bs=2048


--znx ++girlphotos

My ex stalks me trough help - znx - 2005-06-23

Quote:HOWTO: make a deadznx

dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/znx bs=2048


--znx ++girlphotos


[img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png[/img] --znx ++girlphoto = +deadznx


[img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] takes girlphotos to kill me hahahahahah ;)

My ex stalks me trough help - square - 2005-06-23

Crazy. ;)

My ex stalks me trough help - lerum - 2005-06-24

You said it!

Its kinda like the Sims 2 with the ++ and -- :P

My ex stalks me trough help - z0ny - 2005-06-24

Is that topic a joke?! o_O