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sleep(60) - a minute's silence for the passing of a legend. - Printable Version

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sleep(60) - a minute's silence for the passing of a legend. - Dungeon-Dave - 2011-10-13

The world mourns not just the loss of one but two large names in IT.




He knew what he started, and it ain't over yet.


Dennis, from one geek to another - I salute and thank you for your vision and inspiration, and what you've achieved in your uptime.


init 0;

sleep(60) - a minute's silence for the passing of a legend. - inittux - 2011-10-13


sleep(60) - a minute's silence for the passing of a legend. - hybrid - 2011-10-13

A less high profile name than Steve Jobs, but arguably someone who has made a similar contribution to the modern world. Imagine all of the systems and structures of the modern lifestyle many of us enjoy that absolutely depend upon many of these inventions.


Thank you, Dennis Ritchie.