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My work - Printable Version

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My work - kZo - 2004-02-06


<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1076095529.jpg" data-fileid="68">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1076095529.jpg[/img]</a>

My work - deraj - 2004-02-08

not exactly sure what's in that Sun rack, but I'm guessing that's big $$$ right there. I would post pictures of where I keep all of my servers, but you guys have already put me to shame ... :(

My work - Lem0 - 2004-02-09

No matter how cool your incredibly awesome
server rooms are, I have a ("a" being one--the only one I own) computer that has to have its ethernet cord duct-taped to keep the plug securely touching the contacts in the adaptor. Your computers may be much bigger, much badder, and far more numerous, but I have one with character. I'll take a pic as soon as my likewise ghetto webcam finally decides to start working again.