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Linux 9.0 Toshiba Satallite Pro 6100 - Printable Version

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Linux 9.0 Toshiba Satallite Pro 6100 - kZo - 2003-12-13

Most of the quirks of previous Red Hat versions (errors in wireless extensions and Set Mode/Freq errors) have thankfully been fixed in Red Hat 9.0.


NOTE: All commands in this section assume you are logged in as root. If you are "su root", some of the commands will need to be preceded by /sbin/





1. Check module loaded by pcmcia manager:


# modprobe -l | grep pcmcia





When you have finished this section, lsmod should give you the appropriate modules for the wireless card, namely orinoco and orinoco_cs.


2. Make sure your PC's wireless interface is switched ON (left side of keyboard, near front). Run network interface configuration


# neat

Your list of network hardware should include the "Lucent Orinoco and Prism II-based PCMCIA wireless" card. If it does not, try adding it manually. If that fails, perhaps you have a problem with your kernel configuration? - see this page for details.


Set wireless interface IP addresses (static) or DHCP (assigned) and enter ESSID and encryption key: use "neat" with correct options for your wireless AP: check with network administrator. Also select the option to start the eth1 interface automatically when the computer boots up.


3. Check that wireless interface is receiving signal


# iwconfig

lo no wireless extensions.


eth0 no wireless extensions.


eth1 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"***********" Nickname:"myhostname.mydomain"

Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462GHz Access Point: 00:04:76:A7:9F:E7

Bit Rate=11Mb/s Tx-Power=15 dBm Sensitivity:1/3

RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

Encryption key:****-****-**

Power Management:off

Link Quality:38/92 Signal level:-48 dBm Noise level:-86 dBm

Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0

Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:339 Missed beacon:0


Note: ESSID and Encryption key have been concealed with "***" for security reasons.


4. Change Gateway device to "eth1"


# cd /etc/sysconfig/

# vi network

press i to enter insert mode


change GATEWAYDEV from eth0 to eth1


press (Esc) to exit, :wq! to write modification and quit


5. Unplug your eth0 network cable (if you have one) and restart network service:


# service network restart

Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]

Shutting down interface eth1: [ OK ]

Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]

Setting network parameters: [ OK ]

Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]

Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ]

# ifdown eth0

# ifup eth1


6. Test your wireless LAN interface:


# ping

PING ( from ***.***.***.*** : 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=244 time=13.2 ms

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=244 time=10.4 ms

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=244 time=10.5 ms




That's it!


...BUT be aware of a potential problem with kudzu. "kudzu" detects and configures new hardware during the initialization process. It seems unable to detect that the Lucent Orinoco Prism card has already been added to your system, and will try to configure it again. When it starts the configuration, it crashes with a "segmentation fault". The wireless LAN card will work nonetheless. If the messages from kudzu annoy you, simply click on the "Ignore" option next time round.

Also, the default initialization script will try to bring up interface "eth1" before Yenta (the PCMCIA card slot manager) has detected the wireless device. You will get the following message: "orinoco_cs device eth1 does not seem to be present: delaying initialization". Again, you can safely ignore this message.