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Full Version: what resolution do you use
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actually, i use the maximum that my video card will support.
Other: Depending on the machine and its video display, either 800x600 or 1024x768, and they're all console.

I use myself

1024x768, on my notebook/laptop

I use 1280x1024 on Linux and 1024x768 on Windows XP. :)

1400x1050 on this laptop (running fedora core release 4)




1280 x 800 on a 15.4" screen.

Quote:1280 x 800 on a 15.4" screen.
1280x1024 on the desktops and 1280x800 on the laptop.

Quote:800 ? how could anyone still use that..
.. depends on how big your mobile phone is, really!


All my Linux boxen run headless - no GUI on any of them.


But I run putty in 80x25, if that helps!

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