2006-12-18, 08:56 PM
I have been fed up with windows for quite a while now. When it works it works great, but it only works for about 2 months before I have to re-format [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif[/img] . I have Ubuntu on my laptop and I love it, it just plain works. There are a few things that prevent me from completely switching from windows and I was wondering if people could point me to some programs that are similar. I am currently not savvy enough to mess with WINE, so I would like to find Linux alternatives instead of running windows programs through WINE. I will make a short list of programs that I need and hopefully someone can suggest some programs that are similar in Linux.
1) FlashFXP (needs TLS, SSL, Implicit SSL)
2) WinRAR
3) QuickSFV
4) Blowfish encryption for X-chat or other IRC client is also something i need to function.
I can't think of any others currently, but FlashFXP is a big one. I really need that and that is the big thing that is preventing me from switching. Any and all comments are welcome, thanks for the help.