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Ubuntu 10.04 To Support iPhone/iPod Touch?

Well, this is a welcome surprise for those of us waiting for Ubuntu 10.04, the Lucid Lynx. Several users are reporting that their iPod Touches and iPhones (including the 3GS) work in alpha 3 - without tweaking, without jailbreaking, without patching - with Nautilus and Rythmbox.


Several users have reported that upon installing the third alpha release of Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, their iPod Touches and iPhones are recognised by the operating system. You can browse your iPhone/iPod with the file manager, and Rythmbox can work with them as well.


It appears - please correct me if I'm wrong - that this support comes courtesy of GVFS supporting libiphone, combined with iFuse. iFuse is a FUSE file system driver that connects to your iPod Touch/iPhone through libiphone, using Apple's native AFC protocol (so no ssh or other complicated nonsense). No jailbreaking needed, no patching, no nothing.


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For a moment (and from just reading the title) I thought you meant that the Ubuntu 10.04 operating system could run itself directly on the iPhone/iPod touch device! I didn't realise you meant having access to the device and its media from the OS installed on a 'regular' computer.


This is pretty neat, though. Disappointingly, it is fairly likely that this functionality will break at some point down the line when Apple change something, but it is good functionality to have that 'just works'.


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