2011-11-07, 11:41 AM
A while back I set my server time to the right time how they showed it here . I checked some logs and seem like the logs are all one hour off.
So instead of 12.30 it would show 11.30. So I decided I'd set the right timezone. I setup my clock like this:
vi /etc/sysconfig/clock
I rebooted. Didn't see a change
I also tried doing the following:
<strong>ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam /etc/localtimeStill have the same problem. I tried #</strong>ZONE="Europe/Amsterdam"and replacing it by #ZONE="GMT+1" Didn't change anything either,still off by an hour. I'm kind of out ideas and everything I searchin google they all point towards these configuration options.
When I use date it always still shows:
Mon Nov 7 11:44:17 CET 2011
So I'm probably just missing one thing. Cuz CET is Central Eastern time and I need GMT. Will keep search but ideas to help me in the right direction are welcome