2012-03-10, 07:27 PM
I tried doing a search for vpn but it wont let me search under four characters so i will be so bold as to start a new topic.
I've been exploring the wonderful world of linux for a while now and since lately i got myself a vpn connection from ipredator which i use at all times when connected to the internet
I've been doing some scripting to have all relevant processes killed and the network disconnect in case the vpn goes down, i guess i'm just a bit paranoid. But all that works just fine.
Now i've been monitioring traffic on both ppp0 and wlan0 interfaces with this nifty little tool called ifstat.
What i notice is that at any time i am connected and traffic goes through the ppp0 interface i get about 10-15% more through my wlan0 interface. I have no clue where to ask about this and can't find the keywords to google the relevant information.
So, if anyone can help me out here? is it normal to have that much more traffic on the wi-fi than what goes actually through the vpn connection? Is it to do with the fact that the data's being encrypted or something? Anything to make me wiser about it or point me in the direction where i can find more info about this specific situation would be greatly appreciated.
I put a small portion of the output of ifstat here on pastebin : http://pastebin.com/9NEa8Zar
Go easy on me, i know a bit or two about computers but this is completely new to me.
Also, i can't seem to find anything about firewall rules to have a single program/process blocked from using anything but the ppp0 interface, all i can find is allow ip-ranges and open-close ports, anything for dummies on that subject would be most welcome as well