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TV Output

Here's my problem :

I can enable TwinView in multiple ways. That is, cloneview, separate desktops, clone using nvtv ( [/url] ) and probably a host of other ways. But, in all other ways than nvtv, X will hang when shutting down.


My system is : P4@2GHz, 512mb ddr266, 2xwdc120se hdd's, nVIDIA GeForce Ti4200 128mb 4xAGP

Fedora Core1 linux.


TV output will work just fine when enabled. I start into X without problems what so ever. (The quality of the output is actually WAY superior to the output Win XP will do) But, shutting down the comp with on/off button can't be good to my system, so if I cannot get this to work my only option will be to use Win for tv-output.


I've installed the closed source drivers from nvidia. I've done this in multiple ways.

I've used the tuned fedora kernels + nvidia libs for these (all found in synaptic under System/Kernel), I've used regular kernels without mod. and the libs for those as well. So far just two different closed source drivers. Planning on running down the drivers all the way back 'till twinview linux support started. I've also installed support for nvidia drivers in X via synaptic.

Dunno if all these support-thingies I've dl'ed in synaptic are included in the drivers, but I've also tried without them - with exactly the same results.


What I now need to know are three things:

A. Have these things happened elsewhere as well? (That is, is this on account of faulty equipment?)

B. Is there a way to turn (on)/off tv output realtime within X? (This problem seems to occur only when tv-output is enabled. I can for instance run twinview with two monitors (allthough another monitor is not connected), and X will shut down nicely. NVTV with tvoutput turned on will not hurt X either, but NVTV is in development, and a nice tool; but still not what I need in terms of overall quality and useability.

C. Can X be started in such a way that it will not react to any errors it encounter? In this way f*cking the X part, but allowing linux to perform shutdown tasks, so as to not harm my system.


Additional info :

When shutting down X, tv-output will turn off. Monitor res. changes a couple of times - restarting the monitor at a given res. but there will be stripes showing (a dark, dark shade of grey - hardly visible) and the system hangs there. I've tried letting the comp stay on for half an hour after X shutdown - on turning the comp off I will still get a message about the system shutting down uncleanly, so there's nothing going on behind the black screen.

To shut down X I've tried different ways : ctrl-alt-bs , ctrl-alt-del, init 3, reboot(ctrl-alt-del) so on and so forth, all these things will generate the same results.


Any suggestions? I've seen from my g00gling that this is a bad habit of Mandrake's as well, allthough the fixes applied there includes cutting off twin view support, plus they'll not be applicable in Fedora as the files that need modifying are different.


This one really drives me up the walls.

My XF86Config by the way :



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