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Start screen irssi on boot

I've been using screen + irssi for a while now (ssh from work to home :)), but in the last weeks I have had to deal with some power outages. So I have been wondering a couple of things


1. how do I start screen and irssi as a certain user on boot.


2. how do I configure that the pc starts back up when the poser returns (prolly A bios option but don't wanna reboot it (great uptime now :P))


Quote:1. how do I start screen and irssi as a certain user on boot.

Certainly it is possible. In fact I use it! I used this source here. This requires a utility called "start-stop-daemon". If you don't have that then you can download this and compile it but most system have it now a days.


Any issues just as me! :)


Quote:2. how do I configure that the pc starts back up when the poser returns (prolly A bios option but don't wanna reboot it (great uptime now :P))

Yeah has to be a bios option, look for power options, particular restart on power loss .. etc.


Another possibility is to use cron which has the nice @reboot option.


Edit your crontab with:

$ crontab -e


Then add this:

@reboot /usr/bin/screen irssi


Some issues with screen can result in:

Quote:Must be connected to a terminal

So one work around that I have figured out is this:

% ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/mark/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/mark/.ssh/id_localhost
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/mark/.ssh/id_localhost.
Your public key has been saved in /home/mark/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
7c:63:29:a2:ae:08:ed:8b:ff:15:63:1a:7e:9f:14:22 mark@tone
% cat /home/mark/.ssh/ /home/mark/.ssh/authorized_keys >tempfile
% mv tempfile /home/mark/.ssh/authorized_keys
mv: overwrite `/home/mark/.ssh/authorized_keys'? y
% vi .ssh/config
(add this into the file)
Host lo
HostKeyAlias localhost
HostName localhost
IdentityFile /home/mark/.ssh/id_localhost
User mark
Port 22
(save the file)
% ssh lo
Last login: Sat Jan  5 14:47:41 2008
% exit
Connection to localhost closed.


Now we have a working connection to localhost. So what we want in our crontab is this:


@reboot ssh lo screen -d -m irssi


Tada .. work around complete. You might need to make the public key entry under root's account if you use the global crontab.


So, ZNX and I couldn't get this working at all. Something was preventing my machine from accepting the public keys. Well here is the fix I finally found, hours later.

I added the following line to my users crontab with crontab -e


@reboot /usr/bin/screen -d -m irssi


We had tried this as @reboot /usr/bin/screen irssi, which did not work.

Hope this helps someone cause I know I found very little helpful info from my searches online

Why the heck didn't I try that first .. heh anyway!

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