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Revenge of the cursor

When you cursor start moving around, floating out to the sides, and stays there for a while before I can use it again.... it makes me wonder WHY?


Any clever ideas?


My hands are all dry and nice, so nothing with dampness.




reboot into windows, does the same thing happen in windows ?






cheers ;)


The cursor on my IBM laptop does the same thing. Sometimes it is almost like it is resisting me from moving it in a particular reason. When I release the cursor, it moves back in the opposite direction.


The same thing happend with my previous IBM laptop also.


My laptop has a pointer "button" so it could be related to that.

If this is a laptop, it's time to clean your touchpad. I've had it happen when there's too much grease over the pad area (usually from a few days intensive typing). Don't ask my why it works, it just does. It goes back to normal once you clean the touchpad with a damp cloth.

I had the same thing on my Toshiba.

I now use it as a door stop. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png[/img]


I had one of those nobily buttons in the middle of my keyboard though.


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