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learning linux
Hi I am not the normal windows user... I love the cotnrol I can have with my computer and am not bothered by the command prompt and really have little interest in an interface as I think it should come later. I loved dos as it gave me sheer power with the right programs and gave me more functionality than xp does today... I still use it for things, like to wiew this webpage and post this I am using a dos based web browser called arachne... and am listening to music with another program running in the background called jet audio... it is all 64 bit as well with an athalon 3200+ 64 with 2.0 gig of ram and 330 gig of hdd space I play the occasional games on xp like ut2004 and soon 2007. As for the most part I use dos 6.22 with addons and support programs. I have both DOS and Windows XP running on Reiser FS as it doesnt fragment at all and is faster and more stable then ntfs and fat... I love to toy with my computers as it helps zone me out after a long day at work. Id love to learn to code and hack and just want the Linux kernel a really good command prompt grub bootloader to boot my machine up I want the control and am sick of all these prebuilt distros with hundreds of unneeded bs apps I will never ever use. Yes one day, like buying a cellphone wich I have yet to do, will probably switch to a graphical desktop but I have heard you can do everything if not more with the command prompt than with a gfx front end. The gui actually bothers me and to me is an annoyance, like cellphones, seems unneeded, unhuman, hard to use, and an insult to me and my intelligense... sure I will have one for some sake of my wife to use internet the way she knows how... but maybe someone to hold my hand at first and provide some documentation or some links to it. But for me the starting point isnt some preconfigured mess someone else said this is a quick fix for a windows user... I want the knowledge of how to configure it. apps front ends and prettiness comes later I need to know how to build the engine before installing seats... Ya sure I can goto honda and buy an accord family car but I already did that and wanna know how to build a racecar or a vintage hotrod I can take to events and lan parties or just tinker with as my thing... [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ph34r.png[/img]

Quote:but maybe someone to hold my hand at first and provide some documentation or some links to it. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ph34r.png[/img]

Welcome to the forum. That is what we are here for.


Pick a distro, read the install documentation and get it on your machine. If you get stuck, ask here or join us in IRC channel #linux-noob on efnet and ask us there.


Remember, everyone starts out with Linux at the same place... at the beginning.




Quote:Welcome to the forum. That is what we are here for.
Thank you very much!


Quote:Pick a distro, read the install documentation and get it on your machine.
ICK I have tried like 10 different distro's:

1. Fedora but for noobs to linux I wanna get my hands dirty compile my own kernel

2. Gentoo offers me total configuration over everything but i dont like the packaging system

3. Ubuntu doesnt work on my system

4. Mandriva ICK EW

5. Linspire A distro wich has made leaps and bounds in it's CNR

6. PC Linux OS

7. Slackware (My favorite) BC it was my first I seem to keep going back to it as it seems like the most pure Linux wich is what I want so I might stick with it. The first person who told me about Linux said either Redhat 8, Slackware, or Debian to stear clear of any others as they are just spinoff's of these three this was like 6 years ago and I have been with Linux since then on and off and have learned a few things but havent had the time until now! If slackware isn't the most pure Linux Distro where can I find it?

8. Linux XP

9. Myah OS

10. Open SUSE


Quote:If you get stuck, ask here or join us in IRC channel #linux-noob on efnet and ask us there.
How can I join IRC? NVM I Googled it its a chat client im good there how do I join a channel though?


Quote:Remember, everyone starts out with Linux at the same place... at the beginning. 


Again Thank You



in response to your comments:

- You have the option of compiling your own kernel in Fedora. The nice thing about Fedora is you are handed a stable system almost out of the box and this makes for a easy starting point for a beginner.

- Gentoo is my preferred system. I have tried several and I settled on Gentoo when Redhat 9 went end-of-life. The package management system of Gentoo is one of it's strengths. Once you learn your way around it, it is extremely powerful. Once of Gentoo's main strengths is the community of users. The community is huge and growing and that makes identifying and fixing problems much easier than with other systems. However, and I cannot stress this enough, Gentoo has a very steep learning curve and I do not normally recommend it to someone that is just getting started in Linux. In my experience, all this does is lead that person to frustration and eventually a path back to the easy (dark) side.... ie., windows.

- Slackware is the oldest surviving distro and has many believers. It, like all distros, has its strengths and its weaknesses. On MY rating scale, it would be my 2nd choice behind Gentoo.


Each person has their own list of requirements and that is how each person has to choose their idea distro and system.


#linux-noob is on the EFNET chat network. How you join a channel depends on the client you are using. If you are using a gui based client, it will be a menu option. If you are using a command line client (like irssi), the command is /join #linux-noob






from an old gentoo system i have sucessfully compiled a stage 3 installation not from that live cd but before when it was all command line took me a week reading the install guide i learned alot about it and it seemed to like have me for a second i was so proud of myself the first time i made the hardisk grind i was like i made my computer run i had the power it was me not some os doing it for me it made me fall in love with linux does gentoo still have that nifty commandline install or is it all gui'ish i want the steep learning curve as that seems like the place to start note the computer has no internet connection i will be installing it on it is just a toy to learn on with 192 megs of ram and a 550 athalon xp i did however throw a nice 80 gig hdd into it

Ok I will use fedora as everything there seems to be what alot of people use to begin learning on!!!! I have a 64 bit proc do I want the 64 bit version or the 32 bit version as I hear about 64 bit not supporting alot of software available... it would be nice to actually get my money's worth out of my proc but my dreams of 64bit operating enviornment seem to keep getting dashed...

I have a wmp54g wireles g pci 2.4 ghz network adapter that I cannot seem to get to work all i need is that and my switch to linux would be complete and I can actually begin to use a computer


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