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The man of my dreams..

I present to you:


The man of my Dreams


By the age of 22:


1. Hansom

2. Charming

3. Rich

4. A good listener

5. Smart

6. Fit

7. Well Dressed

8. Healthy values

9. Brings happy surprises

10. A lover full of fantasies and romance






The man of my Dreams, audited list (years: 32)




1. Looks good (preferrably hair on head)

2. Opens the door for me

3. Have enough money for a nice meal out

4. Listens more than he talks

5. Laughs at my jokes

6. Carries the groceries from the shop

7. Own at least one tie

8. Appreciates a good home cooked meal

9. remembers anniversaries

10. Romantic, at least one time a week





The man of my Dreams, audited list (years: 42)



1. Not too ugly (bald headeded is ok)

2. Doesn't drive the car until I am in it

3. Works regularely - treat me once in a while in the restaurant

4. Nods in almost the right places when I speak

5. Often remembers the points in the stories he's telling

6. Is enough fit to be able to move furniture around

7. Uses shirts that cover the stomach

8. Doesn't buy champage wigth a screw cork

9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down

10. Shaves on most weekends





The man of my Dreams, audited list (years: 52)




1. Trims his nose-and ear hair

2. Does not burp or scratch in public

3. Does not borrow money too often

4. Doesn't fall asleep when I am talking about interesting things

5. Doesn't tell the same story too often

6. Is enough fit to get out of the couch on the weekends

7. Uses matching socks and underwear that go together

8. Appreciates good food

9. Remembers my name when it's needed

10. Shaves, at least some weekends






The man of my Dreams, audited list (years: 62)




1. Doesn't scare little children

2. Remembers where the toilet is

3. Is not too high maintenence

4. Snores quietly when sleeping

5. Often remembers why he is laughing

6. Enough fit to stand up

7. Often uses clothes

8. Likes easily chewed food

9. Remembers where he put his teeth

10. Remembers what a weekend is




The man of my Dreams, audited list (years: 52)




1. Breathing


2. Uses the bathroom


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